Gay pride parade wilton manors

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The white Dodge Ram began to move forward at the staging area as the parade was about to begin, then accelerated suddenly, police said. He had been chosen to drive the parade's lead vehicle because physical 'ailments' left him unable to walk the full length of the route, police said.

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'As the Chorus family mourns together, we thank the community for their love and understanding.'Īccording to Fort Lauderdale police, the driver was cooperating with investigators, and he showed no signs of impairment at the time of the crash. 'We are deeply saddened by the tragic death and injuries that occurred as a result of an unfortunate accident at the start of the Stonewall Pride Parade,' the group said. The driver is a member of the group, along with the victims, police said. The exact cause of the crash remained under investigation on Sunday, but the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus described it as an accident.

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The incident occurred at the city of Wilton Manors' Stonewall Pride Parade, where several Democratic politicians were in attendance. One person was killed and another injured after a 77-year-old man participating in an LGBTQ Pride parade drove into other participants near Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Saturday night, officials said.

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